XX-9 Heavy Turbolaser (4)Full unit name: XX-9 Heavy Turbolaser
Last updated: 13.02.2024 20:43:01
Basic info
First appearance: A New Hope
A New Hope
Relations: Taim & Bak
Taim & Bak
The XX-9 heavy turbolaser was a shipboard emplacement weapon produced by Taim & Bak
Taim & Bak
. The Taim & Bak XX-9 heavy turbolaser was protected by quadanium steel plating and was a deadly weapon against capital ships, at the cost of many credits. It featured dual turret-mounted barrels and was mounted on a square base. The variants aboard the Death Star had four sections housed within the hull of the turret. The first section was the heavy turbolaser battery itself, located at the top. It was capable of rotating in a full circle to provide a continuous arc of fire. Its dual turrets also had swivel mounts to cover vertical fire. At the top was an external sensor pod as well as elevation gyros. The cooling system was also located near the top of the battery. The barrels were composed of the laser actuator at the back, followed by the galven coils, as well as the barrels themselves and the emitter tips. The blaster gas chamber was near the back of the turret, with the overload dispersal grid being located above the swivel mounting. Variants of XX-9 were employed aborad Imperial-class Star Destroyers
Imperial-class Star Destroyer
Starship Models


See also
Complete list

Full unit name: XX-9 Heavy Turbolaser Last updated: 13.02.2024 20:43:01